National Service Scheme @ Pioneer College
The college has been sanctioned four NSS units by Bharathiar University Unit I & Unit III fo women students and Unit II & Unit IV for men students. Various service oriented activities and special camps have been conducted sucessfully every year. The NSS unit functioning with four NSS Programme officers and 400 volunteers. Four villages are adopted for regular and special camp activities. Every volunteers involve in 120 hours regular activities and attend 7 day special camp.
Regular Activities
- Tree Plantation
- Watering plants
- NSS day celebration
- Voter awareness camp
- Child Labour Abolision awareness
- Health Education
- Yoga
- Tubacco awareness
- Rain water harvesting
- Plastic Eradication
- Traffic control
Special Camp Activities
- Eye check up camp
- Blood donation camp
- Dental checkup camp
- General health checkup camp
- Sports and Yoga
- Veterinary camp
- Basic survey
- Personality Development
- Self employment
- Blood donation camp
- Awareness Rally
Programme Co-ordinators
Mrs. V. Thirumalar
Mrs. S. Punithavathy
M.Sc., M.Phil.,