The Research
Coordination Committee
TThe activities of the Research Coordination Committee of the college are coordinated by a senior faculty member from the PG and Research Departments of Computer Science. This team focuses on formulating strategies and ideas for promoting a research culture in the college. This team also identifies avenues for research and motivates the faculty and students to accomplish the same.
Examination Committee
Under the supervision of the Principal, the examination committee conducts the Examinations in an efficient and systematic manner. They take care of scheduling the CIA examinations, collecting the question papers for internal examinations, making seating arrangements, and conducting the exams properly. Besides the centralized continuous internal assessment examination, they ensure the smooth conduct of the end-of-semester Semester Examinations – theory and practical. They constantly review the system with scope for improvement and attend to the grievances of the students and staff related to examinations.
Admission Committee
The management of the college has constituted the Admission Committee under the leadership of the Principal. The Admission Committee is entrusted with the objective of admitting students to all the programmes offered by the institution. To achieve the above, they look after various activities, such as the preparation of budgets for admission campaigns, organizing brand promotional activities, participating in educational expos, and enhancing the sale of applications.
The Library
Advisory Committee
The Principal of the college has constituted the Library Advisory Committee with the aim of formulating policies regarding the procurement of books and journals and forwarding suggestions to the management representatives, which in turn facilitates the purchase of books. The committee prepares the annual budget proposal for the purchase of new books for the library. They also cater to the needs of the staff, monitor the problems of library users, and send recommendations to management.
Discipline Committee
This committee is formed under the convenorship of Vice-Principal, who is responsible for strict discipline in the college. The erring students are brought to the principal, and the committee strictly warns them against bad behavior, and action is taken if the management is not satisfied with their behavior.
Advisory Committee
The Sports Advisory Committee is formed under the convenorship of the Physical Director, who is responsible for the conduct of intra-mural and inter-collegiate tournaments, the conduct of one university game every year, the conduct of Sports Day, etc. The committee advises helping the students who excel in sports financially and academically.
NSS-Advisory Committee
The four units of this college are actively involved in regular activities and special camp activities. The Committee, headed by the Senior NSS Programme Officer, takes steps to draw programmes for the units and implement the programmes successfully in the villages. The Committee also offers suggestions in the matter of social, economical, and financial aspects.
Magazine Committee
The committee, with the help of the convener, is in charge of bringing out a copy of the college magazine every year. The Committee invites articles in the form of prose, poetry, short stories, and drama and consolidates them into a beautiful magazine towards the end of the year. The students also contribute articles of different types to strengthen the college magazine.
Calendar Committee
This Committee is responsible for collecting all the information selected for the college calendar, like vision, mission, objectives, quality policy, the programmes offered, the names of the faculty members, the administrative department, and all the facilities available in the college.
Faculty Grievances
Redressal Committee
This Committee receives a form of grievance duly filled in by faculty for redressal. The convener discusses the grievances with the Principal and the Management and finds solutions for the grievances. Some of the grievances are related to transport facilities, individual room facilities, and the furniture.
Counselling Committee
Both faculty and students have problems of personal, academic, and psychological nature. Hence, the committee arranges for a series of psychological lectures by a psychologist at the college. This committee counsels students who are affected by issues such as depression, family problems, and exam fears or stress.