Institute Innovation Council (IIC)
An "Institute Innovation Council" (IIC) is a program initiated by the Ministry of Education (MoE) in India, designed to foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within higher education institutions by encouraging students and faculty to develop new ideas, create prototypes, and potentially launch startups, essentially establishing a vibrant innovation ecosystem on campus

Orientation Session on IIC5.0 (2022-23) & Features - MoE's Innovation Cell
To promote a culture of innovation among students, faculty, and staff, enabling them to translate ideas into tangible solutions through various activities like workshops, competitions, and mentorship programs
- Organizing hackathons, business plan competitions, and ideation sessions
- Connecting students with industry experts, investors, and mentors
- Setting up incubation centers to support early-stage startups
- Creating an online platform to showcase innovative project
- Enhances student creativity and entrepreneurial skills
- Promotes collaboration between academia and industry
- Generates new technologies and solutions with potential market impact
- About IIC Institute:
Institution’s Innovation Council at Pioneer College of Arts and Science established in the academic year 2021-2022 under the guidance of AICTE and Ministry of Education to systematically foster the culture of Innovation. The primary objective of Innovation Council is to encourage, inspire and take care of young students by supporting them to work with new ideas and transform them into prototypes while they are informative years. A network of these IICs will be established to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campus.Major Focus. To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem.
– Start-up supporting mechanism in HEIs.
– Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of institutions on innovation achievements
– Establish function ecosystem for scouting ideas and pre-incubation of ideas.
– Develop better cognitive ability among students. - Functions of IIC
– To conduct various Innovations, IPR and entrepreneurship-related activities
prescribed by Central MIC in time bound fashion.
– Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
– Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors,
professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
– Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
– Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out
by Institution’s faculty and students.
– Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement
of industries.
Orientation Session on IIC5.0 (2022-23) & Features - MoE's Innovation Cell